Tweet Splitter: get splitted tweets from any text

Here is my last open source project. Lately I was reading and learning about ReactJS and JSX, so I thought it would be a good idea to create something with it and I just did this open source tool, already available on Github.


Play here!

What it is?

It’s a tiny tool to get automatically a tweet list from any text. Then, you can tweet each one with its Twitter button.

Why Tweet Splitter?

I already know there are some tools, such as or, but honestly I don’t like this points:

  • Ask for your Twitter account permissions
  • Length limit
  • Can’t post a single tweet

So I started to work yesterday and right now I released the first version.

Feedback is welcome and feel free to suggest any feature or idea.

UPDATE may 14th: I added an option to show the tweet numbers and some styles fixes.